- 1983 Laverda 1000
- 3CL Café Racer
When you temporarily move to Switzerland, because of work or studies, you're allowed to keep the original foreign license plates without paying any fees. After two years you are obliged to either import the car or move it out of the country.
If the importation of the vehicle is part of a permanent immigration to Switzerland and you have been the owner of this car for more than 6 months there are no taxes to be paid.
You don't have to pay any customs duties under the condition that the purchased vehicle was bought in another European country.
You will have to provide a so-called Movement Certificate EUR.1 in order to prove the origin of the car. This document is easy to obtain from the customs administration of the relevant country.
We buy, sell, broker, locate, consign and appraise exceptional classic, sports and collector automobiles, arrange transport, customs formalities and registration.
Jaguar, Ferrari and Maserati expertise, though our collection includes a wide variety of other superior antique, vintage, prewar and race cars.
Contact us when you are serious about owning or selling a fine classic motor car or motorcycle. Geneva, Switzerland-based, we serve clients world-wide.
Chemin des Tulipiers | 1208 | Geneva | Switzerland | +41 (0) 787.055.745